Grateful for TradioV

Hey all!

The internet radio show went swimmingly yesterday. We got a lot of word out about the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as well as a lot of hits for Nina Storey’s new album! It was a greet time and a great opportunity for Nina, the CF Foundation as well as myself. If you couldn’t watch it live yesterday, check out the episode of ‘Unfiltered and Unaffected’ on TradioV that featured Nina and I (about 40 minutes into the show):

After the show, I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Nina and get to know her a little bit as she got to know me as well. She told me a little bit about her career and how she got involved with the CF Foundation and I told her more in depth (than the radio show) of my CF situation and I felt humbled.

Not every CF patient goes through the same trials and tribulations. From patient to patient, we all have something different we are coping with and I, for one, had that feeling of gratefulness that I haven’t had to deal with some of the things other CF patients have to deal with day to day. I am able to lead a normal life and work and travel to Denver to do radio shows and snowboard and play the drums without coughing every other minute. As I lead a pretty normal life, other CF patients do not have the luxury. As I mentioned to the radio hosts Matt and Trevor, no one who first meets me ever knows I have CF until I tell them days, weeks maybe even months after.

The word of the day for me is grateful; grateful that I am able to help promote the CF Foundation through words on internet radio as well as through music with Nina; grateful that I am able to meet very generous and genuine people like Matt, Trevor and Nina; grateful that I am able to do every day “normal” things and live my life how I want to live it despite having CF.

What are you grateful for?

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Thanks again to everyone at TradioV!

Keep Fighting, Keep Breathing, Say Tomorrow


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